Introduction and Day 1, February 12, 2020

Introduction In December 2013, MJ and Dave traveled to Cuba with a cultural exchange group through the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market and Foundation. That trip was centered on Havana and surroundings, except for one overnight excursion, west to Pinar del Rio and Viñales. We shared that experience at (“Cuba 2013”). To date, our blog has had nearly 2,100 unique visitors. In February 2020, six years later, again with IFAM, we went to eastern Cuba, a quasi-circular route starting on the northeastern coast and ending in Santiago de Cuba. In this “updated” blog, we’ll say little about the people and the politics (did that last time), unless such comments seem essential. Our photos and videos with captions hopefully say much about the Cuban people. The timing of the trip was exquisite. We arrived in Cuba at about the same time as the first case Covid-19, and, as far as we know, got out before it spread widely. While much has not changed ...